

Sensoreshippe Sensoreshippe

December 7, 2013 at 10:57am

no man knoeth the time of the end or the coming of the SON OF GOD

no man knoeth the time of the end or the coming of the SON OF GOD




Send en masse out to hunt

when the idiots keep filltering the intergnet

all the elephont

one day the screen will be blank the screen filled with a lie

every creature dead and gone

on the screen is the number of the deviles namme

piles of bones and piles of meat

666 in flaming red letters

what will the future eat

you will have no other options press the button worship the creature

other people solyant green

Personally eye think porn is better

for nothing is a sin of itself it is only a perception of the person that  makes a sin to be a sin

It makes me think and decide for myself

your sin is not mine it is not a sin to me

how naughty or nice am eye

it is a sin only to your selfish person


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